Our Curriculum

Here at An Scoil Bheag pre-school we use an emergent and inquiry-based curriculum, which focuses on the children’s experiences, interests and needs.

This means that the curriculum is adjustable which enables the curriculum to become more meaningful in each child’s journey of learning and development. The children direct their own learning and we support them in their understanding and builds on prior learning. We support the children in a nurturing environment while helping them to engage in positive interactions and develop relationships.

In our classroom this means that the children decide what equipment they would like to play with. Examples could be sitting at the table with other children and a teacher creating lots of shapes, food or animals out of playdough. In another area of the classroom this could be building towers out of blocks and testing their abilities to see how high they can build it before it falls down. It could be where a teacher is reading a book chosen by a child. This also helps us to develop relationships with each child and get to know what they are interested in.

All of this curriculum is developed and extended using Aistear’s (our curriculum framework) Themes, Aims and Learning Goals in supporting children’s learning and development. “Play is not just important, it is essential. Play is not just good for children, it is profound and life-changing and potentially the most important thing that children will ever do.” (Ben Kingston-Hughes, 2022)